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  • 15 July 2016

Emasol plant now supplying Pons city (France) heating network

We are immensely proud to announce the launch of the EMASOL project! EMASOL is a 1.5 MW solar thermal power plant that will supply Pons city heating network.

The town of Pons (France) is welcoming a new solar thermal plabt to supply its district heating network

This plant will be the 2nd large-scale solar thermal installation (over 1,000 m²) to supply a district heating network in France.
We would like to thank our partners who helped us bring this project to fruition: the town of Pons, the network operator DALKIA and SEM Energies Midi Atlantique.
Thanks also to ADEME and Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine for their financial support, enabling us to offer competitive solar heat to network users.

This is the second solar thermal plant operated by Newheat for a district heating network in Franc

Following the commissioning earlier this year of our 1st solar thermal plant at the CONDAT paper mill and the launch of work on the plant project for the BOORTMALT group’s Malteries Franco-Suisses, this project demonstrates the relevance of large-scale solar thermal plants for supplying district heating networks.

We look forward to seeing you in summer 2020 when the plant comes on stream!

Centrale solaire thermique du réseau de chaleur de la ville de Pons

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